Hinode Impacta
Actions That Drive Real Change

To enhance, provide transparency, and communicate the company's ongoing sustainability initiatives—especially to the network of consultants and customers—the Hinode Impacta platform was created. This platform brings together all the company's existing initiatives. By linking programs to causes, our company can better showcase what is being done, the impacts generated, and how each person can contribute.

The actions within Hinode Impacta are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—a global commitment led by the United Nations (UN), set to be achieved by 2030.

Awakening a More
Sustainable World

Wherever people are taking care of themselves, Hinode Group is also present. We are here to help people care for themselves entirely, but also for others and the world. We cultivate self-confidence, awareness, health, beauty, friendship, generosity, and kindness wherever we go.

Awakening a
Fairer Society

We believe that when a person is recognized and valued for their individuality, they reciprocate, driving the economy and transforming the society around them in a cycle of sustainable development. Here, we embrace diversity and grow together: awakening opportunities, generating wealth, celebrating achievements, and sharing results with all of society.

Awakening Our Power
to Be a Network

Many people, many voices, many achievements. We were created to transform lives through entrepreneurship, providing society with a fair and inclusive entrepreneurial opportunity through direct sales and network marketing. Inspired by the power of the collective, we also work to ensure that our network of entrepreneurs are agents of transformation in society, spreading good environmental and social practices from north to south in the countries where we operate.

Commitments 2030

Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and material themes, we reaffirm our commitment to sustainable development by establishing 12 commitments to be fulfilled by 2030.

Hinode Impact Actions

Hinode and Sustainability in the Media


Retail and consumer sector faces challenge of eliminating plastic

Check out the article in Valor Econômico from September 2022 with our CEO Marocca talking about ESG

Supporting the Sustainable Development Agenda
and the UN Global Compact Guidelines