Hinode Affiliate
Start your business 100% online

Work remotely and earn 30% commission on sales!

How to Make Money as a Hinode Affiliate Working Online

Promote Your Online Store

Share your online store link with clients, friends, and family. You will earn 30% of the value of products purchased through your store.

Share Product Links

In addition to your Online Store, you can share individual product links with your Affiliate code at the end of the URL.

Stay Updated with Hinode Launches

Hinode is always innovating with award-winning products tailored to every lifestyle. One of them is just right for what your customer is looking for.

Take Advantage of Special Dates

Keep an eye on major holiday dates throughout the year, such as Mother's Day and Valentine's Day. Hinode is always a great gift option.

You only pay one annual fee

For just R$ 29.90 per year, you can start your entrepreneurial journey!

Training and Education from the Hinode University

Personalized Virtual Store and Digital Catalog

Hinode Ads to assist with your promotion

30% profit on your online sales

OnlyR$ 29.90per year

Your online opportunity: have your personalized Hinode virtual store

With the Hinode Affiliate Program, you get your own ready-to-go virtual store, where you can personalize it with your customers' favorite products.

Products with great acceptance and perfect for all seasons of the year.

At Hinode, you can sell online high-demand and award-winning products. These are daily personal care items with recurring sales.

Clear Your Doubts About the Hinode Affiliate Program

Hinode is always ready to assist you!

  1. Click the “Become a Consultant” button at the top of this page.
  2. Fill in the requested information.

That’s it! Provide your details, mention your consultant (if you have one), select your resale kit, choose your payment method, and you’re all set to join us!

  1. Click the “Become a Consultant” button at the top of this page.
  2. Fill in the requested information.

That’s it! Provide your details, mention your consultant (if you have one), select your resale kit, choose your payment method, and welcome aboard!